Cathedral Pastoral Team

His Lordship, Bishop Clyde Martin Harvey
Bishop of the Diocese of St. Georges in Grenada, WI
Office Contact: 1 (473) 440-2542
Email Address: stgdiocesesec@gmail.com
Bishop Harvey was ordained to the Priesthood 27 Jun 1976 in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, Antilles Caribbean. Appointed Bishop of St George’s in Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique, by Pope Francis on 23 June 2017 and was ordained to the Episcopate on 29 July 2017 in Saint George’s in Grenada, by Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Nicola Giralsoli. He is the Bishop of the Cathedral. A cathedra (in Latin, "chair", or in Greek, καθÎδρα kathédra, "seat") or bishop's throne is the seat of a bishop. It is a symbol of the bishop's teaching authority in the Catholic Church.

Father Kufre Emmanuel, M.S.P
Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Administrator
Office: 1 (473) 440-2999 Cell: 1 (473) 458-4779
Email Address: Cathedralparish@hotmail.com
Rev. Father Kufre Emmanuel, M.S.P., was born in Nigeria, has been working in the Diocese of St. George’s for the past three years. He was ordained to the Priesthood in his native homeland of Nigeria.

Fr. Raymond Inaede

Deacon Raphael Johnson
Pastoral Assistant to the Cathedral Administrator
Office: : 1 (473) 440-2999/ 435-7513
Member of the Cathedral Pastoral Team

Presentation Brothers (F.P.M.)
Cathedral Pastoral Assistants
Office: : 1 (473) 440-2999/ 435-7513
Congregation Website: Presentation Brothers
The Congregation of Presentation Brothers (Latin: Fratres Presentationis Mariae; English: "Brothers of the Presentation of Mary"; abbreviated F.P.M.), is an evangelising Catholic Religious Congregation of Brothers. Formed in Blessed Edmund Rice’s charism and are actively supported by laymen and women of all ages, who provide support to the Cathedral pastoral team in faith formation and are committed to their mission of forming Christ in the young and forming Christian communities that are both joyful and just.

Ms. Nordine Morain
Cathedral Administrative Assistant
Office: : 1 (473) 440-2999/ 435-7513
Administrative Assistant, who provides administrative, organizational and office support to the pastoral team under the direct guidance of the Cathedral Administrator.