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"Then He said to His disciples. "The harvest is ready but the laborers are few. Ask the harvest master to send out laborers to gather his harvest."
Mt. 9:37-38

Many influences come together to bring it about that a woman or a man decides to become more fully involved in the ministerial life of the church. This personal commitment can be temporary or permanent, partial or complete. Whatever form this calling may take, a Catholic believes that the Holy Spirit is the source of every authentic vocation. The instruments, the human means, of His work often include the living example of persons in a given church ministry. There is also the home, the classroom, the hospital, retreat houses, religious experience, reading, friends, prayer...the Bible itself. All of these, and other things also, contribute to a church vocation.




Lord Jesus Christ, Shepherd of souls, who called the apostles to be fishers of men, raise up new apostles in your holy Church.  Teach them that to serve you is to reign -  to possess you is to possess all things. 


Kindle in the young hearts of your sons and daughters the fire of zeal for souls. Make them eager to spread your Kingdom upon earth. Grant them the courage to follow you, who are the Way, the Truth and the Life; who lives and reigns forever and ever.                          Amen.


Mary, Queen of the Clergy, pray for us. Help our students who are preparing for the priesthood and the religious life.    Amen.

Four States of Life in the Church



There are four states in life through which the faithful may sanctify themselves: the priesthood, the religious life, Holy Matrimony, and the chaste single state. The priesthood is a sacred office in the church, which one is only surely given through the “canonical call” of the bishop at ordination. A religious vocation is a life consecrated by vows to the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience. If not called to the religious life or priesthood, a man or woman has to make one of two choices: the married state, or the chaste single state. Whatever state one chooses, he must pursue it as a stable form of life through which he can sanctify himself. Of course, before one chooses a state in life, one should seek the counsel of a trusted spiritual director, reflect carefully and prayerfully on this most important of all decisions, and patiently await the answer that God will eventually plant it in the heart.


In any of these states of life, God calls us to build up society in a manner that reflects the love of God. This is our general vocation as Christians. Even though work God wants us to build his kingdom. God calls us to meaningful work that brings value to humanity; work that does not exploit people for personal gain. In your occupation, ask yourself each day how your work will bring glory to God and help people rather than take advantage of others for personal profit.


Each vocation requires some sacrifice to die to self in the service of others. Perhaps this is the true meaning of vocation. Through serving others we act as God to others and we become more and more like Christ each day. While we might sin and fall short of what God desires for us, God still calls us to faithfully live our vocations in the hope that we will be with God in heaven some day.


The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception is a religious building belonging to the Catholic Church. It serves as the mother church for the growing Christian Catholic Community of almost 53% of the population, in 21 parishes and missions spread throughout the islands in the Diocese of St. George's in Grenada and the Grenadines. 



Address: P. O. Box 224, Church Street, St. George’s, GRENADA, W.I.  


Telephone: (473) 440-2999 / 435-7513,

Parish Cell: (473) 406-0506.





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